Professor A.N. Sharkovsky has been, twice, my guest Professor at Le Havre University, in may 1996 and in October 1998.
Our cooperation is in area of discrete dynamical systems. Especially, about the problem of elaboration of the extraction methods of efficient signal from input signal, which is still a very attractive problem. This problem is like the problem of recovering a trajectory or a parameter of a chaotic dynamical system using its epsilon-perturbed trajectory. There is some links with Shadowing theory. In this work we restrict ourself on chaotic dynamical systems given by piecewise linear maps.
On Synchronization and Anti-Synchronization in Piecewise Linear Systems
(Aziz-Alaoui M. A. & Sharkovsky, A.N.), Intern. Conf.
ICNBC'96, pp. 83-86. eds. Awrejcewicz J., Lamarque, C. H., (1996)
Recovering Trajectories of Chaotic Piecewise Linear Dynamical Systems
(Aziz-Alaoui, M.A., Fedorenko, A.D., Lozi,R., & Sharkovsky, A.N.),
Control of Oscillations and Chaos,
Proc. IEEE, vol. 2, pp. 230-233,
eds. F.L. Chernousko, A.L. Fradkov, (1997)
Recovering Parameters of Chaotic Piecewise Linear Dynamical Systems
(Aziz-Alaoui, M.A., Fedorenko, A.D. , Lozi, R. & Sharkovsky, A.N.),
Control of Oscillations and Chaos, Proc. IEEE,
Vol. 2 , pp. 380-383, (2000)
Estimating Trajectories and Parameters of some Families of Dynamical
(Aziz Alaoui, M.A., Fedorenko, A.D., Lozi, R. & A.N.Sharkovsky, A.N.),
will be, asap, submitted to Int. J. Bif. & Chaos ...
Demonstrations (Gallery of Multi-spiral Strange attractors)
Multi-folds attractors
(Gallery of multi-folds Strange attractors)
Animated view of
an attractor (An animated view of a strange attractor)