On a Three-dimensionnal Food Web Model of Holling-type-III and Leslie-Gower Type

M.A. Aziz-Alaoui and C. Letellier
Depart. of Math., L.M., Le Havre University

asap submitted (2001).
Preprint Le Havre Univ.


Strange attractors exhibited by some fairly realistic three species food chain models, the first (S1) based on Holling type II and on Leslie-Gower schemes, the second (S2) based on Holling type III and Leslie-Gower scheme (the last is a modified version of the first taking account the case where the species are vertebrates), are investigated. Templates synthetizing the topological properties of these attractors are built.

Typical strange attractor found in model system (S1).


xy-projection of strange chaotic attractor fond in the modified system (S1)





Typical strange attractor found in model system (S2).


xy-projection of strange chaotic attractor fond in the modified system (S2)





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