(Labo. CORIA, Université de Rouen)
Analysis of the dynamics of a realistic ecological model
(Letellier C. and Aziz Alaoui M.A.),
Chaos Sol. & Fractals, Vol. 13(1),
pp 95-107, (2002).
Should all the species of a food chain be counted to investigate
the global dynamics
(Letellier C. , Aguirre L. , Maquet J. , Aziz Alaoui M.A.),
Chaos Solitons & Fractals, Vol. 13(5), pp 1099-1113 (2002).
On a Three-dimensionnal Food Web Model of Holling-type-III
and Leslie-Gower Type
(Aziz Alaoui M.A. and Letellier C.), will be soon submitted.
Difference equations versus differential equations, a possible equivalence
for the Rössler system?
(Letellier C., Elaydi S., Aguiré L. and Aziz Alaoui M.A.),
Physica D, Vol. 195,
pp 29-49, (2004).
Demonstrations (Gallery of Multi-spiral Strange attractors)
Multi-folds attractors
(Gallery of multi-folds Strange attractors)
Animated view of
an attractor (An animated view of a strange attractor)