CIRM' 2003 Rencontres mathématiques du CIRM, Marseille, France
Third International DCDIS (Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems)
Conference on Engineering Applications and Computational Algorithms
Guelph , Ontario, Canada, May 15-18, 2003
First EMS -SMAI -SMF Joint Conference
Applied Mathematics and Applications of Mathematics.
February 10-13, 2003 in Nice, France
Shanghai Int. Symp. on Nonlin. Science and Applics.
June 9-13, 2003, Shanghai, China.
2nd Asia-Pacific:
Chaos Control and Synchronization
The 2nde Asia Pacific Workshop on Chaos
Control and Synchronization, June 7-8, 2003, Shanghai, China.
3th Intern. conference 'Control of
Oscillations and Chaos', (St petersburg), 20-22 August, 2003.
CIRM' 2002 Rencontres mathématiques du CIRM, Marseille, France
ICM 2002
The 2002 International Congress of Mathematicians
Fuzzy Set and Systems
3rd WSES International Conference on FUZZY SETS AND FUZZY SYSTEMS
February, 11-1502 2002, Interlaken Switzerland Europe
ESMTB 2002,
The 5th Conference in Mathematical
Modeling and Computing in Biology and Medecine, Milano, July, 2-6, 2002
DmDe 2002,
International Conference on Dynamical Methods for Differential Equations
September 4 - 7, 2002, Valladolid, Spain
CIRM' 2001
See 'Rencontres mathématiques du CIRM, Marseille, France
DDays 2001
Dynamics Days 2001,
Jan. 3-6, 2001 in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, US, hosted
by Duke University.
2001 WSES Intern.Conf. on FUZZY SETS and FUZZY SYSTEMS
February 11-15, 2001,
Puerto De La Cruz Tenerife Canary Islands, Spain.
ISCAS 2001
IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS) May 6-9,
2001 at Sydney, Australia.
SIAM-DS 2001
Sixth SIAM Conference on Applications of Dynamical Systems.
SIAM, Snowbird, UT, USA. May 20-24, 2001.
Stochastics - Analysis - Dynamics - Geometry
Technical University of Graz, Austria, June 4-9, 2001.
CSCC 2001
5th World Multi-Conference on Circuits, Systems,
Communications and Computers,
Rithymna Beach Hotel, Rethymno, Crete, Greece, July 8-15, 2001
SIAM-AM 2001
2001 SIAM Annual Meeting (AN01)
July 9-13 2001
Town & Country Hotel San Diego California,
United States North America.
ISSAC 2001
International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation
University of Western Ontario, Canada,
July 22-25, 2001
Scientific Computing and Differential Equations
July 29- August 3, 2001
Vancouver B C Canada North America United States .
Czechoslovak International Conference on Differential
Equations and Their Applications
August 27-31, Prague, Czech Republic.
ECCTD'01 2001
15th European Conference on Circuit Theory and Design,
Espoo, Finland, Helsinki University of Technology,
August 28 - 31, 2001.
CHAOS 2001
3th Colloque on:
Temporal Chaos and Spatio-Temporal Chaos
LE HAVRE , France, University - FST,
September 24 - 25, 2001.
Diff eqts 01
2001 WSES International Conference on:
Differential Equations: Theory and Applications.
December 17-21, 2001, Cairns, Queensland, Australia.
AMS Winter Meeting. Special Session on Holomorphic Dynamics and Related Areas
January 19-22, 2000 (Washington DC, USA)
AMS-MAA 2000 *
Joint Mathematics Meetings AMS and AAM meetings
January 19-22, 2000 (Washington DC, USA)
2nd Intern. conference 'Control of
Oscillations and Chaos', (St petersburg), 5-7 July, 2000.
Twentieth European Dynamics Days 2000
(University of Surrey, Guildford GU2 5XH, UK),
25-29 June, 2000.
Third European Congress of Mathematics
(Barcelona, Spain) July 10-14, 2000
NOLTA 2000
International Symposium o Nolinear Theory and its Applications
(Dresden , Germany),
September 17-21, 2000.
Year 2000
Year 2000 International Conf. on Dynamical Systems and Differential
Equations May 18 - 21, 2000, (Kennesaw State Univ.,GA, USA)
Swinney's 60th Birthday
Nonlinear Dynamics and Pattern Formation Conference
(A Celebration of Harry Swinney's 60th Birthday). June 4-6, 2000
(Austin Marriott at the Capitol, USA)
Conference Dynamical Systems and
Ergodic Theory. August 21 - 30, 2000, Katsiveli (Crimea, Ukraine),
Semi-annual Workshop in Dynamical Systems and Related Topics
March 18-21, 2000, (University of Maryland, College Park,USA)
FRACTAL 2000, "Complexity and Fractals in the Sciences"
April 16-19 2000 (Singapore).
Tenth SIAM Conference on Discrete Mathematics
(Minneapolis, USA), 06/12 - 06/15/2000,
Conference on Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems.
Instituto Superior Tecnico.
Lisbon, Portugal, June 26-30, 2000.
4th Worlf MULTICONFERENCE on Circuits, Systems, Communications and
Computers (Athens Greece), 7/10 - 7/15/2000,
Midwest Dynamical Systems Meeting
March 9-12, 2000, (Gainesville, Florida)
Cultural Attitudes towards Technology and Communication Conference
7/6/ - 7/8/2000 (Perth Australia)
Tina, 2000
Trends in Nonlinear Analysis,
Theory, Modelling and Computation,
October 8 - 12, 2000 (Heidelberg, Germany)
NAA 2000
Intern. Conf. on Diff. Eq. and applic.
(Athens Greece Europe), December 1-3, 2000
ADISC 2000
Intern. Conf. on Algorithms Theory, Discrete Mathematics,
Systems and Control,
(Athens Greece Europe), December 1-3, 2000
MCBC 2000
2nd WSES Intern. Conf. on Math. and Computer
in Biology and Chemistry,
Montego Bay, Jamaica, December 20-22, 2000
MCBE 2000
2nd WSES Intern. Conf. on Math. and Computer
in Business and Economics,
Montego Bay, Jamaica, December 20-22, 2000
See also 'Rencontres mathématiques
du CIRM'
See 'Rencontres mathématiques
du CIRM'
Demonstrations (Gallery of Multi-spiral (or Multi-fold) Strange attractors)
Animated view of
an attractor (An animated mapping strange attractor)
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