Research topics & Applications:

Nonlinear dynamical systems
Bio-inpired oscillatory networks
Complex Networks
Modeling of human behaviors during a catastrophic event
Systems biology
CNN - Cellular Nonlinear Networks

Research projects:

  • 2018-2021: Leader of the Work Package 4 of the National Research Agency ANR Project Com2SiCa - "COMprendre et SImuler les COMportements humains sur des territoires en situation de Catastrophes: de l'analyse à l’aide à la décision” (reference number ANR-17-CE39-0008)

  • 2016-2017: Participant to the UCA-JEDI Investments in the Future project named “Observation et modélisation des comportements humains en situation exceptionnelle de catastrophe” and managed by the National Research Agency (reference number ANR-15-IDEX-01).

  • 2015-2018: Participant to the FEDER (European Regional Development Fund) Project XTERM - "Systèmes compleXes, intelligence TERritoriale et Mobilité”

  • 2015: Principal investigator in the PHC Galilée project “Synchronization in complex networks with memristors”, in collaboration with the Department of Electronics and Telecommunications, Politecnico di Torino, Italy.

  • 2015: Participant to the exploratory project CNRS - PEPS Egalité BRAINS - "Bifurcations dans des RéseAux d'Interactions de Neurones HR et Synchronisation - Etude théorique et numérique” (Bifurcations in interaction networks of Hindmarsh-Rose neurons and synchronization - Theoretical and numerical study).

  • 2013-2014: Participant to the exploratory project CNRS - PEPS HumaIn ModePCS - "Les comportements de foule en situation de catastrophe: les comprendre pour mieux les prévenir” (Human behaviors during catastrophic events: how understand them in order to better prevent them), a joint collaboration of the Labs LMAH and LITIS in Le Havre (France), Géoazur in Nice (France), and Géographie-Cités in Paris (France).

  • 2011-2012: Principal investigator in the project “Analisi di reti di regolazione genica soggette a input esterni” (Analysis of genetic regulatory networks subjected to external inputs), founded by Fondazione CRT , Torino (Italy).