ICCDS'2016 :
http://www.cosylis.org/iccds2016/ 4th International Conference
on Complex Dynamical Systems : analysis and computational in life sciences.
October, 26-28, 2016
University UIZ Agadir, Morrocco.
NexDays'2015 :
Journées "Réseaux et Systèmes Complexes",
28-30 avril 2015, Université UIZ Agadir, Maroc.
SlowFast&Bifurcations'2014 :
Slow-Fast Dynamics and Bifurcations in Dynamical Systems
Mathematical Methods and Applications - 2014. A special session
within CSNDD'2014, 20 Mai 2014, Agadir, Morroco.
See also
SlowFast&Bifurcations'2014 : Slow-Fast Dynamics and Bifurcations in Dynamical Systems
Mathematical Methods and Applications - 2014. A special session
within CSNDD'2014, 20 Mai 2014, Agadir, Morroco.
See also
CSNDD'2014 :
http://www.csndd.org/csndd2014/ membre du International Organizing Committee
et du Advisory board de International Conference on Structural Nonlinear Dynamics
and Diagnostics, Agadir,
Bio-Dynamics-Day. A one-day workshop, May 16, 2013, Le Havre, Normandy, France
Journées de DYCOEC : GDR n° 2984,
Biologie, Medecine et Systèmes Complexes,
26-28 Novembre 2012, au CORIA - Rouen, France
SOMC'2012 within ECCS'12,
Self-Organization, Management and Control. Bruxelles,
September 05-09, 2012, Belgium
BDD'2012 Bio-Dynamics-Day. A one-day workshop, May 10, 2012, Le Havre
International Conference on Structural Nonlinear Dynamics and Diagnostics,
Marrakech, April 30 - May 02, 2012, Morrocco
CsNs'12 Complex Systems, Networks and Synchronization. A special
session within CSNDD'2012, Marrakech, April 30 - May 02, 2012, Morrocco
EPNACS 2011 : a workshop within the ECCS 11th European conf., September 15, 2011, Vienna, Austria.
EPNACS 2010 : a workshop within the ECCS 10th European conf., September 15-16, 2010, Lisbonn, Portugal
The 3rd International Conference on Complex Systems and Applications,
june 29 - July 02, 2009, Le Havre, NORMANDY, France (~ 190 participants)
CoPe'2009 et CoPe'2010, Ecoles thématiques -Complexité Plurielle- 24-31 janvier 2009 et 23-30 janvier 2010 à Valmeinier (Savoie), France.
CDD 2008 : a One-day-workshop, February 01, 2008, Le Havre, France.
Satellite workshop Modeling and Analysing Complex Interacting Systems July 23-24, 2008,
Al-Balqa Applied University, Salt, Jordan.
workshop within the ECCS 4th European conf., Ocrober 1-5, Dresden, 2007,Germany.
MAPPS'2006 :
J'ai organisé, avec l'aide d'un collègue de l'univ. de California USA,
a workshop within the AIMS 6th international conf.,
June 25-28, 2006, Poitiers, France
EPNADS'2005 :
Emergent Properties in Natural and Artificial Dynamical Systems, Satellite workshop within ECCS'05,
Paris, 14-18 novembre 2005, France.
: A special session Modeling and Analysing of Predator-Prey Systems, within the international.Conf.
DCDIS 4th, 27-29 juillet 2005, Guelph-Ontario, Canada.
: A satellite workshop within Modeling, Computation and Systems, IEEE-ICECS 2005,
11-14 december 2005, Gammarth, Tunisia.
Chaos Temporel et Spatio-Temporel 2001 :
Chaos-T-ST'2001 : http://www.coria.fr/article.php3?id_article=193 3ème colloque "chaos temporel et chaos spatio-temporel 24-25 septembre 2001, Rouen, France.
Membre du comité régional d'organisation de la conférence internationale,
"FPU+50 : Nonlinear Waves 50 Years after Ferli-Pasta-Ulam", June 21-25, 2005,
voir, FPU + 50 .
J'ai aidé à l'organisation, au Havre du 25 au 27 mars 2004,
des "12ème journées MODE" de la SMAI, colloque organisé par
l'équipe OSD du LMAH, dont j'avais la responsabilité,
voir le lien sur le site de l'université du Havre.
Invited Member for the program commeetties or scientific board of internationale conferences
(Membre invité au comité de programme ou au comité scientifique de conférences internationales) :
CSNDD'2012 :
http://www.csndd.org/ membre du International Organizing Committee
et du Advisory board de International Conference on Structural Nonlinear Dynamics
and Diagnostics, Marrakech, April 30 - May 02, 2012, Morrocco.
NSA'2007 :
(see also HERE),
International Technical Advisory Committee, The Third Shanghai International
Symposium, on Nonlinear Sciences and Applications, NSA'07, June 6-10, 2007
Fudan University, Shanghai-Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China
: http://www.ecosummit2007.elsevier.com/index.htm
(see also HERE)
(see also http://www.conferencealerts.com/seeconf.mv?q=ca1a8a68 or
Ecological Complexity and Sustainability, 22-27 may 2007, Beijing, China.
: http://gm.insa-rouen.fr/~fpu50/
(see also HERE),
Membre invité du comité régional d'organisation de la conférence internationale,
Nonlinear Waves 50 Years after Ferli-Pasta-Ulam, June 21-25, 2005,Rouen, France.