Aziz-Alaoui M.A.'s home page
une version en français
Research Interests
My research interests are in mathematical modelling and Analysis of deterministic dynamics
(temporal and spatio-temporal), with a particular focus on Complex Systems and Networks :
- Dynamical Systems : Nonlinear Dynamics,
Bifurcations, Chaos, Chaos Control, Synchronization (ODE, Delay)
- PDE and Evolution Problems from the dynamical system
point of view: Asymptotic Analysis of reaction-diffusion systems, Modeling, Stability,
patterns formation, Hopf or Turing bifurcations, ...
- Complex Systems : Interaction Network, Eco- or Bio-Complexity,
Self-organization, Emergence ...
- Applications : Neuroscience ;
Ecosystems (predator-prey, ...), epidemiology
My work is currently funded by the University of LeHavre-Normandie, CNRS, ANR, CPER Normandie Region,
and european funding ERDF through grants project Xterm.
: available jobs, post-doc, ...
See HERE all available jobs
Post-doc (Complex systems and networks of coupled PDE, numerical dynamical systems):
09 months to 12 months, OPEN now (October 2018). CLOSED
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Advanced Research Position, One year: now.
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Post-doc (or Engineer, numerical dynamical systems), 6 months. CLOSED. More information
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Post-doc (Mathematics: mainly coupled PDE), One year. CLOSED. More information
All of these positions are proposed thanks to the financial support of the ANR, the
Région Normandie,
and : Xterm ,
(Interaction Networks and Complex Systems) project ERDF (European Regional Development Fund)
on complex networks and applications,
and CPER (Contrat Projet Etat Région).
News : Recent or Upcoming Conferences
MCDSA'2024 :
International Conference: Marrakech Conference on Dynamical Systems and Applications (MCDSA 2024) :
03 - 06 September 2024, Marrakech, Morocco.
DySyX'2022 :
Workshop on Advance in Nonlinear Dynamical Systems, Complex Networks and Applications :
DySyX’2022, May 12, 2022, Faculty of Sciences Kénitra, Morocco
BDD'2021 :
10th workshop on Dynamical Systems with Applications to Biolog:
e-Workshop Bio Dynamics Days ' 2020 : May 27 - July 1st, 2021.
Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, the workshop, which was to be held
at Le Havre Normandie University has moved online :
The workshop will be held remotely during the month of June.
To avoid fatigue, it will consist in a series of 2 talks, delivered
every Thursday, 03 p.m. - 05 p.m. GMT.
To register (it's free), send an email to me, or to my co-organizer, you will receive an invitation
on Zoom to attend the meeting a
couple of hours before it starts.))
BDD'2020 :
10th workshop on Dynamical Systems with Applications to Biolog:
e-Workshop Bio Dynamics Days ' 2020 : June 04 - June 25, 2020.
DSTA'2019 :
Dynamical Systems
Theory and Applications,
December 2-5, 2019, Łódź, POLAND
XTerM'2019 :
CompleX systems, Territorial intelligence and Mobility,
International Conference,
26-28 June 2019 Le Havre (France)
SFBT'2019 :
39ème Colloque de la Société Francophone de Biologie Théorique,
24-27 Juin, 2019, Poitiers, France
ICRAMCS'2019 :
1st International Conference on Research in Applied Mathematics and Computer Science
29-30 mars 2019, Casablanca, Maroc
JIM'2019 :
1ère édition de la Journée Internationale des Mathématiques
27 mars 2019, EHTP Casablanca, Maroc
PCFM'2018 :
16 - 20 avril 2018, Marrakech, Maroc
MADEV'2017 :
Conférence Internationale : Mathématiques Appliquées à des questions de DEVeloppement.
Académie Hassan II des Sciences et Techniques,
16-19 octobre 2017, Rabat, Maroc
WANCSA'2017 :
Workshop on Advance in Nonlinear Complex Systems and Applications
(WANCSA'2017 ),
4-5 Juillet, 2017, Le Havre, Normandie, France
SFBT'2017 :
37ème Colloque de la Société Francophone de Biologie Théorique (SFBT),
28-29 Juin, 2017, Poitiers, France
SM2A'2017 :
5ème Congrès international de la Société Marocaine de Mathématiques Appliquées (SM²A),
16-18 mars, 2017, Meknès, Maroc
ICCSA'2014 :
The 4th International Conference on Complex Systems and Applications,
June 23-26, 2014,
University of Le Havre, Normandie, France.
- ICCSA'2009 :
The 3rd International Conference on Complex Systems and Applications,
june 29 - July 02, 2009, University of Le Havre, Normandie, France.
Other News
- LMAH Seminary & Talks : HERE
- January 2019 : Early Post-doc internship of P.Roy in the ISCN, complex systems group, LMAH
- September 2018 : Early Post-doc internship of Y.Liao in the ISCN, complex systems group, LMAH
- January 15, 2013 : Early Post-doc internship of Yichao Zhang in the ISCN, complex systems group LMAH/LITIS
- December 20, 2013 : End of Post-doc internship of Q.(Judy).Zhang in the LMAH, dynamical-systems team, LMAH/LITIS/ISCN
- March 01, 2012 we recruited
Maciej KRUPA for 6 months (financial support: ERDF-RISC)
- January 15, 2012 : End of Post-doctoral internship of ZHAO Junchan, in my team (D.S.M.B. :
Dynamical Systems and Math-Bio)
PHD Position
- Abstract: Dynamical Complex Systems, Applications to neural coupled networks.
This subject involves the study of dynamical systems and
asymptotic analysis of coupled oscillators based on PDE (and ODE))
of Hodgkin-Huxley-type, with application in neuroscience. A 3-years grant fund is obtained for.
The successful applicant will join the research group in Dynamical systems and Math-Bio
at the Department of Mathematics (LMAH), Le Havre University (Normandie, France).
For more information send an email to me (aziz.alaoui@univ-lehavre.fr).
Degree Required: Master-2 MATHEMATICS. The start date : Sept. 15, 2015, may be postponed for a few weeks.
- ...
Proposed Master-2 topics
- Abstract 1 :
Traveling Waves, theory and applications. A candidate has been selected.
- Abstract 2 : ...
General Information
- Information on Master 2 are given Here
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